Adriele Au

Reinventing Everyday Objects
Reinventing Everyday Objects

Reinventing how one views common everyday objects and using traditional art mediums in unconventional ways are constant concerns in Au’s artistic practice.  Through her unexpected placement and handling of her chosen objects, a new dialogue between the viewer and the work is created.  Her memories and curiosity are the reference points in the abstracted work.  Vibrant colors, textures, irregular shapes, and forms attract her most of all.  Playfulness and gentle questioning accompany Au’s approach to her work allowing this to be accessible with its layered meanings behind it.  Her work is a hybrid of painting, drawing, and sculpture using mixed media and repurposed objects which address the themes of emotions, home, time, and nostalgia.  She has a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Emily Carr University of Art and Design and was one of the recipients of the People’s Choice Award during the ArtRich 2021 exhibition.

March 4, 2023