Bea Martin

science illustration | 2D animation | visual storytelling
science illustration | 2D animation | visual storytelling

Artist Statement:

Bea is a character animator, certified medical illustrator (CMI), nature journal educator, and Fulbright Scholar with a medical background. With curiosity and enthusiasm, her goal is to craft entertaining, inspiring, and educational stories, merging art with science in both digital and traditional media in a creative collaborative environment. She also supports the creativity and artistic development in children through nature journal workshops and her website Curiosity, Creativity and Beyond (developed thanks to a Small Neighborhood Grant by Richmond Cares, Richmond Gives). You can also find the picnic table she painted, depicting 5 birds of the lower Mainland and their nests, at the park next to the Gulf Georgia Cannery National Historic Site.

Artist Website:
Nature Journal:

May 11, 2020