Monique Zhang

Oil Painting

Monique Zhang is working and living in Richmond BC. She started learning drawing and academic painting at early age of 13. While she holds a graphic design degree, her heart and soul have always been devoted to painting and drawing. Through her artistic practice, she has continued to create oil paintings for decades. Monique’s early artworks focused on landscapes when she lived in Calgary. Over years and years experience, her deeper thought and observation have changed, which is shift the subject matter into human figures.

In her recent work, “The Magic We Hold,” the paintings lead viewers into an imaginary world. In this realm, there are mysterious-looking female figures with half human and half apple tree spirits existing in a vaguely natural atmosphere, enjoying adventures in a coexisting peaceful environment. These playful and magical spirits are delight; they are curious about the natural elements in this world, from the air they breathe to the water they drink, from the Sun and Moon to alien insects.

September 26, 2023