Rebecca Woo


Rebecca Woo enjoyed five great years in Taiwan in the 1960s before a tragic accident took the life of her pilot husband, leaving her a young widow with two small children. In 1971, Rebecca’s desire to begin a new life led her and her children to immigrate to Canada. Being a single mother in a new country was a struggle; her dreams she had since childhood to write, draw and paint took second place while raising her family. However, as Rebecca’s children grew older and her duties of being a mother lessened, she began to find time for herself to draw and paint.

Rebecca has attended courses at the Emily Carr University of Art + Design and she has studied with the famous artists: David Lange, Michal O’Tool, Neil Patterson, Howard Carr and Alan Wylie. For Rebecca, painting is not about the financial success or becoming world renowned; rather, it is about the joy she embraces from being creative and expressing her feelings. Sharing her vision and work with others providers Rebecca with more than enough satisfaction.

March 29, 2018