Sonya Iwasiuk

Researched Art
Researched Art

I document pivotal moments or seemingly insignificant snapshots of the ordinary revealing profound narratives of life both present and past.

My work is inspired by both the stories of my childhood and stories I have collected as an adult. Some I know intimately, others have been entrusted to me, and particular, intriguing ones, I have investigated. Inspiration also comes from wandering through and surveying my world.

Though at times the figure is my focus, I am also drawn to abandoned places and buildings. Disconcerted characters and lonely entities documented within my work are partially exposed and brought back to being. I often intensely research the histories of my subjects and by revealing the past I have realized how strongly it speaks of the present.

I hope that in our world of social media and convenience, where images and stories can be so fleeting and inconsequential, people will take time to pause and connect to my stories of strangers.

August 17, 2021