Tom Douglas

European-inspired Painting
European-inspired Painting

I was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1944, and attended The University of Alberta in the Faculty of Art Education for a brief period in the late 1960’s. Basically I’m a self taught artist in what I would term the field of “Abstract Expressionism”.

I spent approximately 40 years in the Lower Mainland buying and selling 20th century decorative arts, founding Heaven and Earth Antiques in 1975, after that Metropolitan Home in downtown Vancouver. Poetry was another interest and my book ‘Circus Dogs’ was published in the early1990’s.

In 2014, after a 35-40 year hiatus, I picked up a paint brush once more and began my artistic endeavours. Paintings I submitted in 2015 and 2017 to the Surrey Art Gallery juried summer shows placed 2nd and 1st in the category Works on Canvas. In 2016 I was fortunate enough to have a solo exhibition at the Turnbull Gallery in South Surrey where 22 of my paintings were sold.

I’ve always had a love of art, good design, and the written word. Many of my paintings tend to deal with the destruction of the environment and man’s inhumanity to man or what I term “painting what’s under the skin,” so to speak. The titles I give them are clues to their meaning and for me, carry much weight.

My main influences have been European rather than Canadian. I have always admired the European Expressionist Movement. Painting continues to be a major part of my life.

I live in White Rock, BC
Phone 604-595-0298

September 5, 2021