Now Online: Let’s Celebrate Together – Part 2!

The Richmond Arts Coalition announces the premiere of
Let’s Celebrate Together – Part 2!

The Richmond Art Coalition is proud to announce the online premiere of Let’s Celebrate Together – Part 2, now available at

On Saturday, January 29, 2022, the Richmond Arts Coalition recorded Let’s Celebrate Together – Part 2 at the Steveston Martial Arts Centre with the help of grants from Metro Vancouver and the Government of Canada. Let’s Celebrate Together – Part 2 is a unique show where local artists Tanaz Roudgar, Marc Rivest, Cora Kiesman, Hannah Black, and Jiliang Yao were brought together from diverse backgrounds and artistic genres to highlight and celebrate their art forms with a solo performances before performing a collaborative creation together.

This wonderful show, as well as Part 1 ( ) can be seen on the Richmond Arts Coalition’s YouTube channel. The Channel’s goal is to support, highlight and showcase Richmond performers, musicians, dancers, actors, comedians, magicians, and visual artists of all ages, and to also help Richmond artists reach a larger national and international digital audience otherwise not available to them. Programming on the channel will be entertaining, informative and educational. The RAC channel is a Richmond based production, including crew and all post-production work.

The Richmond Arts Coalition (RAC) is a voice for artists and the arts in Richmond. A volunteer-led organization, RAC offers opportunities for artists and the arts within Richmond, informs artists and assists with innovative ideas, connects artists, businesses, and audiences, and engages and advocates for the arts community.

We thank the following for their support of Let’s Celebrate Together:
Thank you to the City of Richmond.
This project has been made possible in part by the Government of Canada.
And we gratefully acknowledge the support of Metro Vancouver’s Regional Cultural Project Grants program.

We thank the following for their support of Let’s Celebrate Together:
Thank you to the City of Richmond.
This project has been made possible in part by the Government of Canada.
And we gratefully acknowledge the support of Metro Vancouver’s Regional Cultural Project Grants program.

February 17, 2022