Why donate to RAC?

If I donate, where will the money go?

All money donated via the link below goes to our Endowment Fund, which will be used to offer up cash prizes for future Arts Awards in Richmond – providing motivation and recognition to the people who make Richmond’s arts communities possible.

Can I receive a tax receipt?

Yes! As we are building this endowment fund through the support of the Richmond Community Foundation, your donations will merit a tax receipt automatically!

Give me more motivation to donate:

By donating, you will be freeing up more of RAC’s resources to pursue our other goals. Here is a short list of our value as an organization :
– RAC is Your Voice for the Arts in Richmond. Ensure your art form/discipline is represented by RAC as we actively advocate to various levels of government and other organizations for further development and recognition of the importance of the Arts and Arts issues.
– RAC’s new website is up to date and interactive. Find a specific type of artist for an event or project, find out what events are happening in town, or just check the pulse of the Arts in Richmond. Arts news and calls for artists are promoted through our website, e-newsletter and social media. RAC features a “member of the week”.
– Our Executive Director works with Richmond organizations as well as the larger regional Arts community to recognize best practices and implement them.
– RAC has a Dynamic Board of Directors with a diverse range of skills and backgrounds.
– RAC has an excellent relationship with the City and its staff to help ensure an Arts friendly community.
– RAC advocates for fair payment for working artists. (e.g. We took the initiative to apply for grants to ensure fair compensation for artists to ensure a high level, professional Arts component of the annual Maritime Festival.)
– RAC has co-hosted the Richmond Arts Awards for the past 10 years in partnership with City to showcase and celebrate individuals and organizations within the Arts fields.
– RAC played a significant role in advocating for dedicated Arts grants in the city and for more venues to exhibit and perform.
– RAC hosts ArtRich every 2 years, a successful showcase for local and regional visual artists and is developing new events to showcase other art forms.

Alright, I’ll donate! What’s the link?

Right below the giant heart showcasing our love for you! Thank you so much!

If you would prefer to donate via paypal, and do not need a tax receipt, you can also do so here. Thank you!

August 13, 2018