Artist Call: Healthy Aging Visual Art Prize

Deadline: September 30

Deadline: September 30
Artist Call: Healthy Aging Visual Art Prize
A collaboration between the Edwin S.H. Leong Centre for Healthy Aging (ELCHA) and the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health (DMCBH) at UBC. This contest invites you to submit your artistic representations of “Healthy Human Aging.” Whether you’re a professional artist or simply passionate about promoting health and wellbeing in older adults, we want to hear from you! We welcome diverse and inclusive artworks that reflect this theme. All submissions will be featured in an online gallery, with up to 16 finalists invited to display their work at an Artists Night at DMCBH in January 2025. Selected finalists will also be showcased at the Jericho Arts Centre in Vancouver, BC in January and February 2025. Prizes: $1000, $500, $250.

June 30, 2024