Exhibition: Dear Plastic

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Exhibition: Dear Plastic

January 18 - March 23

January 18 – March 23
Exhibition: Dear Plastic
Richmond Art Gallery
7700 Minoru Gate
Opening Reception: January 18, 2pm-4pm
Artwork by Ari Bayuaji, Emily Hermant, Caroline Monnet, Alex Tedlie-Stursberg, and Cheryl Wong. Curated by Zoë Chan. The five featured artists of Dear Plastic straddle the divide between what is considered artificial versus natural in their engagement with plastic. They clearly delight in the potential of plastic as artistic material, which they reuse, repurpose, or reimagine to fashion visually arresting works. The thought-provoking pieces in this exhibition avoid a simple environmentalist stance or nostalgia for untouched landscapes.
Website: https://www.richmondartgallery.org/dear-plastic
Georgia Straight: https://www.straight.com/arts/richmond-art-gallery-opens-2025-by-highlighting-climate-and-plastic-issues


January 18
March 23
Event Category:


Richmond Art Gallery
7700 Minoru Gate
Richmond, BC V6Y 1R8 Canada
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