Exhibition: Speak No (emergency) by Persimmon Blackbridge

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Exhibition: Speak No (emergency) by Persimmon Blackbridge

January 18 - March 23

January 18 – March 23
Exhibition: Speak No (emergency) by Persimmon Blackbridge
Richmond Art Gallery
7700 Minoru Gate
Opening Reception: January 18, 2pm-4pm
In this stunning installation, artist Persimmon Blackbridge urgently responds to the devastation of and despair around climate change. Covering the gallery walls with dozens of handfashioned figures, she creates a desolate, desperate army who have come together in the face of rampant forest fires, polluted oceans, and climate denial. Blackbridge’s raw, frenetic aesthetic integrates found wood, Barbie doll parts, bits of animal bone, scrap metal, and other recycled materials typically considered trash.
Website: https://www.richmondartgallery.org/speaknoemergency
Georgia Straight: https://www.straight.com/arts/richmond-art-gallery-opens-2025-by-highlighting-climate-and-plastic-issues


January 18
March 23
Event Category:


Richmond Art Gallery
7700 Minoru Gate
Richmond, BC V6Y 1R8 Canada
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