2021 Culture Days – Youth Artist Call

We are looking for youth performers 5+ for digital and in-person Culture Days events!
We are looking for youth performers 5+ for digital and in-person Culture Days events! Small honorariums will be offered. The digital event will be showcased on September 25th, and the in-person event at the Richmond Cultural Centre on September 26th.
Call for Performers Ages 5-9!
Online Songs & Stories from Richmond’s Cultures
The Richmond Arts Coalition is looking for children ages 5-9 who can share some aspect of their culture by song or story, in recorded videos for an online Culture Days event! Each video will be a maximum of five minutes, recorded by the child’s family, and sent to RAC. An honorarium will be paid to each selected performer. Parents will sign a form regarding the sharing of these videos online (YouTube) and via social media.
Call for Youth and Older Performers!
Circle of Cultures

The Richmond Arts Coalition is looking for youth and older performers within any medium (music, dance, theatre, etc) who can provide a 10 minute in-person performance sharing their culture at the Richmond Cultural Centre for Culture Days on Sunday, September 26, 2021. An honorarium will be paid to each selected performer. Performers will have a chance to share and discuss their performances afterwards.
If you are interested in either of these opportunities, please contact us at richmondartscoalition@gmail.com with any questions. Artist videos are ideally unlisted YouTube links or via links where they can be downloaded.
August 26, 2021