Songs In The Snow: A Vintage Christmas is an annual, free, family-friendly, holiday event partnership between Steveston Historical Society, the Richmond Arts Coalition, and the Steveston Museum & Visitor Centre. The event takes place on the first three Saturday afternoons in December. Each day features holiday-themed performances from 4pm-6pm outdoors at Town Square Park, next to the Steveston Museum (3811 Moncton Street, Richmond, BC). We may also have recorded digital performances (TBD).
We need performers! We will be paying musicians (and possibly other performers – pitch us something!) professional rates to deliver 25-30 minute sets of entertaining holiday spirit. Does that sound like you?
And new this year, we are also open to pitches from visual artists with ideas for how they might contribute to the festive event. A lighting display? Live art creation? We want to hear from you!
If this interests you, please fill out the form below. Submission deadline: October 21, 11:59pm.

We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.