Landscapes and Watercolours
Originally from Estonia, via Sweden, Enda Bardell is a Canadian Artist living and working in Vancouver.
Always the explorer, Enda’s inquisitiveness has taken her through stimulating creative careers such costume designer in the motion picture industry, fabric artist and founder of Enda B. Fashion Limited.
Enda has studied at Vancouver Art School (Emily Carr University of Art and Design), and completed studio courses and workshops with prominent Canadian artists such as Toni Onley and Joan Balzar, both of whom she considers her mentors.
Her current work is primarily in watercolours. However, she also has a strong sense of hard edge abstract in acrylics.
Enda has exhibited her work in numerous group and solo exhibitions locally and internationally. Two of Enda’s early abstracts from the Estonian Art in Exile exhibition are now in the permanent historic collection in KUMU, the National Museum of Art in Tallinn, Estonia.
I paint landscapes and skyscapes in watercolour, whether it is outdoors on location or from reference photos from places that I have experienced.
My watercolour work is about the feeling of having been there to recapture the experience. It is about fresh air and freedom and rekindling of the experience and memory of a particular place.
I hope the viewer is captivated by the same feeling and overwhelming experience that I had from being in the location of the subject, whether it be in the moment of a setting sun by the sea, a stormy sky, majestic mountain, or entangled forest.
By painting fast and loose watercolour, I am able to connect with the fleeting moment and light. Most of my images are natural landscapes and wilderness without man-made objects or living creatures. Freighters in English Bay are the only exception!