
Battle of the Brush 41:  Season 8 Episode 4

Heritage Hall 3102 Main Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

May 26, 8pm to 11pm Battle of the Brush 41:  Season 8 Episode 4 Heritage Hall, 3102 Main street, Vancouver Winning...

Pop-up Art Show – Dona Nabata

Steveston Museum 3811 Moncton Street, Richmond, BC, Canada

Ongoing – June 30 Pop-up Art Show – Dona Nabata Steveston Museum and Post Office 3811 Moncton Street If you...

Doors Open Richmond

June 3 – June 4 Doors Open Richmond Doors Open Richmond is a free annual celebration that raises civic awareness...

Exhibition: Orders and Chaos

Lipont Gallery 4211 No. 3 Road, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

Ongoing – June 30 Exhibition: Orders and Chaos Lipont Gallery 4211 No. 3 Road The exhibition combines the themes of...

BC Seniors Week 2023

Celebrate BC Seniors Week in Richmond Richmond, BC – Join in the City of Richmond and community partners celebration of BC...

Faces of Richmond Virtual Gallery

June 5 - July 15 Faces of Richmond Virtual Gallery The Faces of Richmond Exhibit produced by the Community Arts...

Exhibition: Amy-Clair Huestis – MOTHLIKE/silvery-blue

Richmond Art Gallery 7700 Minoru Gate, Richmond, BC, Canada

June 29 – August 20 Exhibition: Amy-Clair Huestis – MOTHLIKE/silvery-blue Richmond Art Gallery 7700 Minoru Gate Opening: Thursday, June 29,...

If you’d like to add an event to this monthly list, please send information to by the 15th of the month preceding your event.